Expired Backup Sets no Deleting
I have been working with Symantec on the case for over 6 months now. However, our phone calls have now simply become the following:
1. I am told our assigned Engineer is busy and will call us back (which never happens)
2. We are assigned a new Engineer who collects logs and then never calls us back.
I do now know what else to do so I come to the forums with hat in hand looking for a solution, please help.
The original problem we began 6 months ago is our backup sets would not expire. Well after a couple months of working with Symantec they got the backup sets to expire, but on in symantec they would never delete from disk. A few more months down the road Symantec, politely told us they had no solution and to stop calling at which time they closed the ticket. I cannot be without a backup system so we rebuilt the entire system from the ground up on brand new servers and after completely building out Backup exec had Symantec check through all nocks and crannies to ensure it met their best practices.
Well guess what two months later we are exactly back to where we started Backup Set are not expiring. We called Syamtec they fiddled around with a bunch of registry items, now the backup sets expire but they never delete from disk.
Server Info:
Windows Server 2012 R2
Backup Exec 2014 V 14.1 Rev 1786
11 TB Storage
32 GB Ram