Forum Discussion

SebastianW's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Externe Datensicherung mit nur einem Bandlaufwerk

Hallo zusammen,



ich habe die hardwaretechnische Konstellation, dass ein Kunde gern eine externe Datensicherung im Safe aufbewahren möchte.


Vorhandene Hardware:


1x dedizierter Backupserver (BE 2012 SP2)

1x Tandberg Data T24 LTO 5 HH 1 Laufwerk

und keinen Discbased Storage.


Wie kann ich es nun bewerkstelligen eine externe Sicherung via Band zu realisieren? Duplizierung fällt ja aufgrund des nur einfach vorhandenen Laufwerks aus.


Wie kann ich also eine zuverlässige Sicherung einmal die Woche initiieren?


Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten.


Beste Grüße



  • For BE 2012, the library is unlocked by default.

  • Hi,


    You would configure your job with the correct retention times. Once done, a job report is available...check this which will list the tape/s used during the backup.

    Unlock the library from with BE, and then remove the magazine before pulling out the tapes and putting them in the safe.


  • You could define an extra job, define slot partitioning, and target the job to a partition with enough slots to hold the backup. Then you won't have to worry which tapes are used because only the ones in the targeted partion are available to the job.

    BTW: NO disk storage??? That is very unusual...



  • If the backup set is on one tape, then you can configure an export stage to export this tape to the mailslot after the backup job is done.  This way you just have to open the mailslot to remove the tape.  Note that you would have to enable the mailslot using the front panel of the tape library or its Web-interface.

    You do not need to partition your library to do your backup.

  • Hallo Sebastian,


    Du solltest einfach die tapes austauschen koennen am bandlaufwerk. Eins raus und eins hinein.


    Damit du das machen kannst must du vorher die Sperre die automatisch von BE ausgeloest wird loesen, dafuer gibt es ein Schlussel in der Regestry der es erlaubt tape austauch ohne ein export job durchzufuehren.


    Hi Sebastian,


    the easy way would be to change your tape you' d like to put in a safe and insert a new one into the tandberg drive. To do so you simply need to unlock the feature of locking libraries by BE,  by changing a registry key. This allows you to pull out a tape just by pushing the button on the drive.

      best regards,



  • For BE 2012, the library is unlocked by default.

  • Ah , ok,


    but why is the technote related to the product version 2012 if it was the case.

    best regards, Cruisen 

  • Hi Craig, 

    now I can see it , too. I had a similar case once with a customer, that experienced the same issue when trying to eject the tape. The solution was to create the registry key. A little bit strange all this.

    Perhaps, and the only way I would understand, if we were using , that was really the case a preversion of Backup Exec 2012,  before the general availibility and only this version had this issue. 

    I will look if I can find the old technote without any information you mentioned. 

    What we need now is to ask someone, that was directly involved in the development of the solution to know exactly when the feature was actually implemented.


    Thank you very much.


    Best regards



  • thing to do would be to find the Beta page on Connect, and contact 1 of the Symantec guys there to ask this. I'd say log a call but you might not get the correct technical answer.

    Otherwise PM Colin Weaver...he's very good with the technical side of things!
