21 years agoLevel 2
Freeze and crash problem with Backup exec 9.1 build 4691
Hi !
First of all, the next line present my configuration now :
Server HP with Windows server 2003 english
Tape backup Quantum SDLT 320
Software Backup Exec windows 9.1 build 4691
Tape used Fujifilm SDLT1 and Imation SDLT Tape 1
Now the problem:
We have buy this tape backup few month ago in 2004. In the first 2 or 3 week all run. each day I change the tape We take a night backup 5 day a week. We have 5 tape in rotation...
After less of one month some littel problem started. In the morning when i go to change the tape. The tape is exit ok.
I check in backup exec and an alert say Please insert another cartrige because this cartrige is possibly scratch, full or defect. I check the job information it was end at 90%. I clik ok on the message and change the tape for the tape of the day. The backup finish.
This problem now is all 2 day minimum. we have try to change the tape for a new tape. The backup work in the first week of use. At the second use it work or not. Another problem is the freeze backup.
This morning, the tape was not exit, i have check in the ba ckupexec It said statuts running during 10h46 start at 11h03 pm last night. 641.688 bytes copied. No percent write because less of 1% is make. yesterday i have change the tape to finish the backup at 46% end but it's not freeze.
When the backup freeze what is the instruction ? to day i have cancel the backup after 5 min i have eject the tape and an alert have popup It say Please stanby, tape in use...
I have make some update, i have uninstal and restart the setup. We have call the support of the tape to make test with the tech. All is ok. The backup respond.
Thank you for you help !
First of all, the next line present my configuration now :
Server HP with Windows server 2003 english
Tape backup Quantum SDLT 320
Software Backup Exec windows 9.1 build 4691
Tape used Fujifilm SDLT1 and Imation SDLT Tape 1
Now the problem:
We have buy this tape backup few month ago in 2004. In the first 2 or 3 week all run. each day I change the tape We take a night backup 5 day a week. We have 5 tape in rotation...
After less of one month some littel problem started. In the morning when i go to change the tape. The tape is exit ok.
I check in backup exec and an alert say Please insert another cartrige because this cartrige is possibly scratch, full or defect. I check the job information it was end at 90%. I clik ok on the message and change the tape for the tape of the day. The backup finish.
This problem now is all 2 day minimum. we have try to change the tape for a new tape. The backup work in the first week of use. At the second use it work or not. Another problem is the freeze backup.
This morning, the tape was not exit, i have check in the ba ckupexec It said statuts running during 10h46 start at 11h03 pm last night. 641.688 bytes copied. No percent write because less of 1% is make. yesterday i have change the tape to finish the backup at 46% end but it's not freeze.
When the backup freeze what is the instruction ? to day i have cancel the backup after 5 min i have eject the tape and an alert have popup It say Please stanby, tape in use...
I have make some update, i have uninstal and restart the setup. We have call the support of the tape to make test with the tech. All is ok. The backup respond.
Thank you for you help !