Forum Discussion

Robert_Egloff's avatar
3 years ago

Get-BEAgentServer on Remote Servers

I am putting together a script to gather agent information from a list of backup servers. We want to determine what agents are defined on the backup servers for a variety of uses - mostly auditing in terms of licensing and house keeping. 

I couldn't find anyway with 'Get-BEAgentServer' to directly pull from a remote server. I can get it to work using 'Invoke-Command' - that tested just fine. 

  • Invoke-Command -ComputerName RemoteServer -ScriptBlock { Get-BEAgentServer }

But I'm curious if there is a way with Get-BEAgentServer or another cmdlet with BEMCLI in a more direct manner. This will work, but I like to keep scripts as simple and concise as possible and it doesn't hurt to learn a bit more about BEMCLI while I'm at it! 

I did check the help and there's a -name parameter in there, but that seems to be only for agents defined on that server itself and not a remote BE server. 

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!