Forum Discussion

chrisICT's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Hidden UNC Shares in Backup Exec 2012

I'm just in the process of rolling out backup exec 2012. I'm tring to backup a hidden share from a qnap nas. I've added the server in as a file server and can browse the shares on the NAS but not any hidden shares. The shares can be viewed from a unc path from the backup server using the same account.

Is there any around this without breaking the share as this worked in the previous versions of Backup Exec?


  • I just tested a hidden share on a Windows 7 box that was not running the remote agent and  by following the article I was able to backup data from the hidden share.

    I did notice that the default admin shares (C$, ADMIN$ etc) which are also hidden, were not selectable as such if your Qnap Device is somehow setting them up as admin shares and not standard hidden shares then this could be the problem.


    Note in Windows a hidden share is a standard share that ends with a $ symbol on the name, you do not specifically enable a 'hidden' setting.

  • I don't think its possible in BE 2012, and can be possible in prev versions as you can add the hidden share with its fully qualified path...just a guess though..

  • I just tested a hidden share on a Windows 7 box that was not running the remote agent and  by following the article I was able to backup data from the hidden share.

    I did notice that the default admin shares (C$, ADMIN$ etc) which are also hidden, were not selectable as such if your Qnap Device is somehow setting them up as admin shares and not standard hidden shares then this could be the problem.


    Note in Windows a hidden share is a standard share that ends with a $ symbol on the name, you do not specifically enable a 'hidden' setting.

  • Just tried it on a windows 7 box myself but i can not see anything except the shares on the server. I have user shares enable and a license for Agent for windows. Clicking on the insert doesn't give me an option to insert any share except the ones it already sees.



  • Ok so on that Windows 7 system create a folder called TestShare and enable sharing on this folder so that the Share Name is TestShare$


    Then check that that share is hidden by going to \\hostname from another computer (where hostname is the name of your Windows 7 computer)

    Then review the backup selections for this system in BE

    Then try to get to \\hostname\admin$ from another computer just to prove that admin shares can exist that aren't seen by BE.

    I this all works then I suspect your Qnap device is somehow creating shares that are seen as Admin shares.

  • Just tried and that worked as you expected, that the $ share could be seen from the backup exec but not the admin share.

    Unfortunate that the admin$ and C$ can't be seen in the new version.


    Need to investigate the qnap share.


    Cheers for you help as a presume I can take this no further with Symantec.



  • The share was also hidden on the qnap as well as being a $ share.

    Link to guide for file system backup is helpful anyway so marked as solution.


