How to configure NDMP policy in Backup Exec 12.5?
Hi Experts,
I need your help to configure the NDMP backup policy in backup exec 12.5.
In our environment NDMP backup is configured as Every Friday Weekly full & Mon to Thu as incermental-using archive bit (reset archive bit) backup level 1 to 4. Filer is EMC celerra.
I need to be configure the backup job as full 1st friday of every month, incremental on Mon-Thu & differential on friday(except 1st friday). My question is can I configure the backup policy in this way? if yes then how?
As I am thinking that after incr backup archive bits are getting reseted, so in differential backup can I will get all data which changed after full backup? & what data would be backed up in 3rd-5th diff backup?
Please suggest best way to backup the NDMP data as we are having a large data & it taking a long time to completes and utilizing large media requirements.
Thanks in advance.
You would have to do a Level 0 backup on 1st Friday of every month, Level 1 every Monday and Friday, Level 2 every Tuesday, Level 3 every Wednesday and Level 4 Every Thursday. (Mutiple templates in the same policy set to start at same time of day)
As you seem to be using 12.5 you would configure a rule in the policy so that if start times conflict on the one Friday of the month where the Level 0 should run, it takes precedence over the Level 1 job for Fridays.
Without actually testing it I think this is the closest you can get to what you have asked for.