Forum Discussion

christchild27's avatar
13 years ago

How to configure Symantec Backup Exec 2012 to backup VM Esxi VM machines?

I would like to backup all virtual machines located on a VMare Esxi 4 Server where I can restore without any problems when something goes down. Can I have some assistance, please?

  • Hi

    1 First of all you need virtual machine license and need to install on Media server

    2 Once you do that you will see vmware agent tab at right top of backup exec 2012

    3 Then click on that and add the name of your ESX or Vcenter

    4 Once Added you and once you open the selection it will list all virtual machine

    5 Now you can backup all virtual machine and would have ablity to restore back to same ESX host or different ESX host

    6 You also have option to do GRT backup of virtual machine

    7 If you want to do GRT backup of application on a virtual machine you need license like exchange ,sql etc and also you need to install remote agent on that virtual machine


    Additionally check the link too

    Hope that helps


  • You can see my article below on how to backup VM's

  • Hi

    1 First of all you need virtual machine license and need to install on Media server

    2 Once you do that you will see vmware agent tab at right top of backup exec 2012

    3 Then click on that and add the name of your ESX or Vcenter

    4 Once Added you and once you open the selection it will list all virtual machine

    5 Now you can backup all virtual machine and would have ablity to restore back to same ESX host or different ESX host

    6 You also have option to do GRT backup of virtual machine

    7 If you want to do GRT backup of application on a virtual machine you need license like exchange ,sql etc and also you need to install remote agent on that virtual machine


    Additionally check the link too

    Hope that helps


  • As well as the above info form pkh and Backup_Exec, you need to license ESXi itself with whetever license is required to enable the vStorage functionality that Backup Exec requires. As such if you are running the free version of ESXi you may need extra licenses on the VMware side as well.

  • Thanks to everyone for your input. I will request to the license for the VSphere Server and add them to Symantec Media Server.

  • To clarify here, if you run the free ESXi license, there is no extra incremental licenses to buy to enable the BackupExec VMware integration.  

    You must buy the full blown VMware vSphere 5 license, that is at least Standard edition or higher.  This includes the backup API's to integrate with products like BackupExec.

    Alternatively, you can just use a RAWS agent in the virtual clients, and treat them as physical servers.

    From a licensing standpoint, you need a single license for vmware virtual infrastructure (AVVI) PER Physical host.  This covers unlimited guests on that VMware host.  If you virtualize 3 or more guests, it makes sense to leverage AVVI as it's cheaper to license.