Forum Discussion

  • Anyways, there is no report available for the selection list details.

    But what you can do, is to set the global options in the program to show the maximum amount of detail information.

    In BE 2010 for example, this would be done via Tools, Options, Job Logs, and selecting to show the highest amount of detail including files, folders, etc.

    This will result in a Job Log that is printable and shows the information that you need, recursing the directory trees.






  • Backup exec 2010 R3


    Dear Carlos , i did your steps but the log life for only one job , i whould to sent a report to  my manager with the Job name and its selection list

  • Performing the above steps can highly inflate the Job Log sizes. 

    More details = larger size

    It is recommend you turn that option back to default (Summary information only) unless necessary.

    Although, as mentioned by Carlos above, it will give you granular selection details in the job log.


    Another option is to go to the Job Setup tab - Right click on each selection list - View Summary

    This will give you an overview of that selection list. - Viewing a Summary of a Selection list.

  • Maybe you can provide more details of your report so that other users may benefit.