Forum Discussion

RTI_Systems's avatar
10 years ago

How to set up incremental/differential backups with alternating sets of removable media?

I have some questions about best practices and how incremental backups work with removable media.

So we have a total of four USB HDDs. These are split into two pools, "Drive Pool A" and "Drive Pool B". At the end of each day, one of our employees is responsible for taking home both the disks from one pool. The next day he plugs those disks back in and removes the disks from the other pool and takes those home. 

My question is how should I set this up with differential or incremental backups? 

I can provide more info if required. Thanks.

  • See my article below

    Although it is written for BE 2010, the principle still applies to BE 15.

    Note that BE 15 requires the entire backup chain to be online when you do a restore, so it is better to keep the entire backup chain on the same disk.

  • If you are performing GRT backups  of any resources then you will have to perform full backups every day as you cannot have the full (or previous incremental) backups on an offline drive and still do GRT enabled differential or incremental backups of the same resource

  • See my article below

    Although it is written for BE 2010, the principle still applies to BE 15.

    Note that BE 15 requires the entire backup chain to be online when you do a restore, so it is better to keep the entire backup chain on the same disk.

  • If you are performing GRT backups  of any resources then you will have to perform full backups every day as you cannot have the full (or previous incremental) backups on an offline drive and still do GRT enabled differential or incremental backups of the same resource