Forum Discussion

Els_M's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

How to test an Export job

Hello All,

I have the following small annoying issue.

I have created last month some simple backup jobs (backup from disk to tape), that at the end of the verify exports the tape into the I/O slot of our DELL TL2000.

Since a day or two, the backup runs fine, but the export does not occur: Tape is still in the magazine slot and the status of the export job is Ready; invalid Storage device. Strange because this exporting went well before. The only thing that has changed is the location of the tape library which has been moved to the rack. I am pretty sure that all the cables has been connected as before (this time I was a cable labeling freak when i moved the hardware).

So in short: backup runs fine; tape is not exported at the end.

This is what i have done so far:
I have modified the job once and removed the export "thingy" from the job. Saved the job. Then I modified it again, put again the export in.
The export job number is now 0009 (before it was 0004). (I have some monthly and weekly jobs too that do the same)
I restarted the tape library and the services.

I hope it will runs fine tonight, but i want to know now if it will goes wel, so I am  trying to test the exporting. But i cannot determin the right testing procedure.
Using the webinterface of the of the TL2000 -  i have put a tape in the drive (the right drive - I checked the serial number smiley) but i cannot seem to let  BE2012 recognize that there is a media in the drive (inventory does not do the trick). And i think it is pointless to start an export if there is no tape in to drive ?

Is it possible in BE2012 to just put a media in the drive, without doing anything else with it ?  So that i can start my export job and see how it runs ?
I hope anyone can shed some light and help me think of a way to test may export job and solve my problem.

Thank you


Kind Regards

Els M