14 years agoLevel 3
How to upgrade BE 11D from 6235 to 7170?
I've runned SP3 and everything seems fine, but how do I upgrade BE 11D from 6235 to 7170? I thought SP3 did this.
Please help.
To to clarify Hotfixes and Service Packs do not change the build number i.e. from 11.0.6235 to 11.0.71710 is a build number change. They do change the file revision numbers, so for instance BESERVER.EXE might go from version 11.0.6235.27 to 11.0.6235.28 by installing a hotfix or Service Pack
To change a Build number you always have to download a complete product install and then upgrade the installation to the new build (and then apply new hotfixes and servcie packs against that build.