Forum Discussion

Razornet's avatar
Level 2
10 years ago

Hyper V guest only showing shares in resources

BE 2014 Sp 2

Host Hyper-V server 2012 with 4 server 2012 guests. All have the latest updates. All agents have been updated and are advertising to the backup server.

3 of the guests show all resources while the file server only shows the shares. No other resources are showing up.

I would like to backup only the shares on the file server, but selecting the shares causes the job to fail with "resourses cannot be found"

Credentials at the server level pass, but fail for the shares.

Backing up the whole guest from the host works.

On other servers I am able to chose the volume and select the shares from there. but on this server no volumes are showing up.

The offending server also takes a long time to show the shares when editing the backup job (10 min)

Am at a loss and would appreciate any and all help.

  • Issue solved!

    Found that the offending server was using the wrong credentials for the EFI partition.

    Thanks for your help, while lookng at the solutions offered I came across the probelm.

    Again thanks everyone for offereing solutions,

  • Issue solved!

    Found that the offending server was using the wrong credentials for the EFI partition.

    Thanks for your help, while lookng at the solutions offered I came across the probelm.

    Again thanks everyone for offereing solutions,

    • AmenoHabakiri's avatar
      Level 2


      I know this post on 2015 and now 2021.

      I have read ur post and also looking another source on internet,

      but I also hv same problem like you on my Virtual Machine server with MS Windows 2016 Std, 

      I have install agent remotely or by manually (using RAWS Folder), the connection already establish but still I still can't browse on Drive/Volumes from Symantec Backup Server on Virtual Machine that already attach.

      I also try to turn off secure boot on my Virtual Machine Configuration but still same.

      My Question is can u explain "wrong credentials for the EFI partition" ??

      also when first installation (by remote) with Secure Boot ON, i hv pop up message like this (i will attach the file).


      Thank you and I appreciate with ur help.


  • Slow selections usually occur if EFI partition is present. Try this on the BE media server:-

    Using Registry Editor, browse to the following path:

    HKLM\Software\Symantec\Backup Exec for Windows\Backup Exec\Server
    Create a new DWORD Value named  MaxRpcDatablockSize
    Change the Decimal value of the MaxRpcDatablockSize to 5242880
    Create a new DWORD Value named MaxRpcSize.
    Change the Decimal Value of MaxRpcSize to 5242880
    Restart all Backup Exec Services and check if the server takes time to show the selections or not.

    Secondly, is the remote agent on the VM updated as well ? If running any AV, set it to exclude from scanning the beremote process.

    Lastly, is the right logon account specified for this VM ?

  • Restoring the guest from the backup that was created from the host shows all volumes, files and folders.

    Viewing the guest resourses from the details pane on the Backup and Restore tab shows all volumes, files and folders.

    Everytime I select the guest server details from the Backup and Restore tab it takes at least 10 min to show up the resources.

    Creating a new backup selecting the guest takes about 10 min for the resourses to show up and then it only shows the shared folders.

  • After you do a backup of the VM, can you see all the volumes, folders and files when you try to do a restore of that VM?

  • I would back up the folders, but the volumes do not show in resources.

    The only thing showing in the resources are the shared folders (option to show shares is ticked)

    Yes the Agent lisence is on the media server

    None of the volumes for the guest are showing up at all, that is my issues.

  • Why are you backing up shares, instead of the actual folders?

    Have you installed the Hyper-V agent licence on the media server?