Incremental backup of exchange logs windows errors
Well the title says it all;
We are running Full/Incremental backups (BE 2015) on our Exchange 2007 stores. BE reports that full and incremental backups are succesfull however on the Exchange server we are getting Event Error 206 (ESE) :
Log Name: Application
Source: ESE
MSExchangeIS (7244) First Storage Group: Database D:\ExchangeDB\Mailbox Database.edb cannot be incrementally backed-up. You must first perform a full backup before performing an incremental backup.
Which is immediately followed by error 57920 (Backup Exec):
An error occured while preparing Microsoft Exchange Server \\EXCHANGE\First Storage Group to back up database.
Error code 0xC8000230
Error message: The database missed a previous full backup before the incremental backup.
What gives here? BE 2015 shows everything to be in order. I have tried removing the exchange logs, tried deleting and recreating the jobs, run full backups then new incrementals 9 ways to sunday with no change at all.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!