Forum Discussion

zak2011's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

Installing BE2012


Planning to install BE2012. It is not an upgrade but a fresh install. Are there any major things to consider other than the basic system requirements  before installing BE2012. Are policies taken out of BE2012? Would all the agents on the exisitng servers have to removed and then pushed via BE2012. Is it possible to estimate how much  time approx it should take  to set up new jobs ( around 60 to 70 jobs) in BE2012. Is there a way to import exisiting jobs only, if that would save some time.

Need some advice on this.


  • Have a look at this KB outlining the differences in 2012 -

  • ...just to add 1 can do a push-install from the media server to any remote servers. No need to uninstall them first.

    Also, disable your AV if you run my tests McAfee has tended to give issues during an installation!

  • Thanks Craig for mentioning about the agents.Thats really good to know.

  • Since you are doing a fresh install of BE 2012, there is no way to import your old jobs.  In any case, jobs are now based on servers so at a minimum you would have as many jobs as you have servers.

    Since BE 2012 is so different from BE 2010, I would suggest that you install in a test environment and get familiar with it before installing it in production.

  • Thanks pkh..have installed BE2012 on a test VM and trying to get familiar.

  • In the current BE2010 R3 setup i have six jobs linked to each server covering the daily( backup, duplicate), weekly(backup, duplicate) and the monthly(backup, duplicate).

    I have something like 60 to 70 jobs. Would i need to create each job for each server, or is there a better way to create  jobs for different servers simulataneously inorder to save time and get the Backup Exec server up and running as soon as possible.
