Forum Discussion

geldridge's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Inventory and Catalog for Disaster Recovery

I'm looking for some best practices and methods for accelerating the recovery of server during a disaster recovery.  We currently backup to an ExaGrid appliance which replicates its data to another off site Exagrid appliance at our DR location.  I setup a Backup Exec 2012 media server at our DR site and pointed to the replicated data via a B2D folder.  I can browse this DR data via Windows Explorer and see all the replicated data I would expect which is approx. 5 weeks of rotating backups. 

Now the issue is in a DR scenario I'm only really interested in the last backup, most likely the day before.  However within BE 2012 I can only issue an inventory and catalog of the entire B2D share which takes 6-8 hours to complete.  Way to long in a DR scenario.  Even just a straight inventory takes 1-2 hours to complete.  So my question is does anyone have any best practices or methods they can share to accelerate this process and get moving with recoveries.

I've considered copying only the relevant from our appliance to a secondard drive however this takes time almost as much time. 

Unfortunately the ExaGrid replication settings don't allow for limiting the amount of replicated data to just the most recent so that is not an option. 

I guess I'm hoping there is some way to accelerate the inventory step at the very least, might be out of luck there.  Barring that is there a way to setup BE to constantly inventory and catalog data from a B2D folder?

Thanks in advance for your input.

  • There is no way to accelerate the inventory and cataloging process.

    You can use the Windows scheduler to schedule the BEMCLI cmdlet 


    to do the inventory and catalog of the B2D folder.

    If you need help to get started on BEMCLI, see my article below

  • There is no way to accelerate the inventory and cataloging process.

    You can use the Windows scheduler to schedule the BEMCLI cmdlet 


    to do the inventory and catalog of the B2D folder.

    If you need help to get started on BEMCLI, see my article below

  • Thanks pkh,  I'll give this a try, hopefully get a chance this week to set it up.  It looks like it would be a good solution to keeping the DR site BE server ready to go.