Forum Discussion

achester's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

Job Active but stuck on 0 bytes

Hi My backup exec is so tempremental its drving me mad....

I have a incremental backup running daily backup up to a NAS drive, I also backup to tape on a weekday, and other NAS drives.... SOme days I come in and the backups have worked perfectly but the majority of the time the jobs have hung....

They show as running but either state queued with 0 bytes or like this morning they show active and running but 0 bytes and they have been running for at least 10 hours... what can be causing this frequent problem.

Im running backup exec 2012.


  • Think the issue is related to this job for some reason so Its not a high critical job. Ive put on hold and created a new job running slightly differently so finigers crossed. Ivemanually started the job and its running ok so will close the call