Job hanging on _SharedHardlinkData_
I have Backup Exec 2010 R3 SP2. For the last six months I've been fully backing up an Exchange 2007 Server (and using IDR) with no problem. Since last Friday though the backup job hangs during Snapshot Processing on the System State backup. It is stuck on the current directory: _SharedHardlinkData_.
Any ideas anybody?
Hopefully I have found the solution, based on a comment from a distant thread I'd read somewhere.
In the backup job, it was suggested that the next selection AFTER the one that fails could be at fault. In my case this is a backup on another server (not the exchange one). When I ran VSSADMIN LIST WRITERS on that server, I got a error stating:
"there may be a delay if a shadow copy is being prepared."
I then ran the bat file detailed here: to re-register DLLs. The list writers now appear with no error.
I'll post back later with the outcome of the backup...