Forum Discussion

SURA's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Job Missed

The job which schedule on 9pm was in hold so the job missed.

Trying to start next day morning but cant start right now.

The erroe code is E000E020.

Need solution soon wanna run backups by evening.



  • Shouldn't be an issue at all. If you backup to disk as the primary location with a separate duplicate-to-tape job, then this should be able to run at the same time as long as it is old data being duplicated.


  • This is expected behavior as the job missed its availability window. It will be automatically run at the next scheduled time.

    Have a look @ this KB as well -

  • when backup is running can move other backed up sets to tape

    will that work

  • Shouldn't be an issue at all. If you backup to disk as the primary location with a separate duplicate-to-tape job, then this should be able to run at the same time as long as it is old data being duplicated.
