Forum Discussion

JJJCR's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

List Tape Contents (Symantec BackupExec 12.5)

hi guys, i'm on the task of recovering old datas from old tapes. 

I can read the tape contents using Symantec Backup Exec, by doing Inventory, and going to the device then clicking on the tape device name.

When I do a restore data, I can view the contents of the tape.

My question is, is there a way to list the contents of the tape to an excel file or text format?

I had downloaded the Catdump utility for Backup Exec 12.5 from this link--> (

The syntax for this catdump would be: catdump path-to-program-files-and-catalog-GUID.fh > dump-to-text.file

But my problem is when I tried to run that command, there's no data generated becaused the catalog.GUID.fh file does not exist anymore, or it might have been deleted.

Is there a way to print or list out the tape contents from old tapes if the catalog file has been deleted?


  • What I am saying is that you inventory and catalog the .bkf files once you have restore them to disk.  After cataloging, there will be catalog information for the .bkf files. You can then dump the catalog with catdump.