Many problems are not marked as solution?
Many threats are not marked as solution by the case opened users even though our experts and support teams are giving the correct solution or suggestion. The admin has to take care of it, he can wait for specific days for the users respond and send notification to the user or themselves mark as solution whichever they feels the correct answers. Then we can reduce the number of duplicate case has been posted to the forum.
Thanks In advance
What the person who answers the question thinks is the solution may not be the solution. Often the information provided by the person who post the problem is insufficient to determine what the solution is. You may think it is the solution, but there may be a wrinkle to the problem that needs another solution. That is why we rely on the user to confirm whether it is the solution or nor.
Often, users in the forum throws anything that is remotely related the problem as a possible answer. This muddies the picture and hence which of the 20 replies is the correct solution. Who knows?