Massive difference in speed when adding a "Duplicate" stage.
I'm just looking for some insight or maybe just clarification.
Historically, we had 2 separate backup jobs for our Full. One job to the local disk (4.21 TB) and then a second completely independent job on the same selection set to an external USB drive (4.10 TB due to filtering out *.bak files). the times for these two backups were:
01:06:50:43 to the local disk (4.21 TB)
01:11:40:07 to the USB drive (4.10 TB)
Last week i created a new backup job where i backup to local disk, and then i added a Duplicate stage to back that data up to the external USB drive. the new times for the two stages were:
01:20:22:28 to the local disk (4.25 TB now)
00:22:01:49 duplicate to USB drive (also 4.25 TB)
So my main question is - does it seem correct that the initial backup now takes and additional 14 hours?? That seemed to me like something was wrong or misconfigured. but then when i looked at how fast the USB duplicate was, it basically evened out the TOTAL time to be nearly identical to the total time i had previously.
02:18:30:50 Total time for 2 separate jobs (8.31 TB)
02:18:24:17 Total time for one job to local, then duplicate to USB (8.5 TB)
Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on what Backup Exec is doing where there is SUCH a difference in that initial time frame, but that it then seems to make up for that time during the duplicate job.