Forum Discussion

  • Any specific reason as to why the MMS is running BE 2012 when the CASO is BE 15 ?

    Would recommend the following steps -

    1) Upgrade the MMS to the same version as that of CASO

    2) Make the MMS server a standalone server by removing it from the CASO server.

    3) Stop all services on the MMS server and copy the Data & Catalog folders.

    4) Install BE (same version) on the new server.

    5) Stop all services and replace the Data & Catalog folders. If the server name is different, a SQL cmd is to be run to update the server name.

    6) Restart all services.

    7) Join this new server to the CASO.

    Alternatively, if the other server already has BE installed, then it becomes more simplified.

    Run Backup Exec Utility and choose "Move a managed Backup Exec server." option.


  • thanks VJware for your replay

    the MMS running BE 2012 installed on file server and it was working fine so i just left it as it is but i will upgrade it before doing anything with the migration

    so if i just installed new MMS on the new server and run and Backup Exec Utility from the Old MMS Server and choose "Move a managed Backup Exec server." option that will move the catalog and the jobs from the old one to the new one?



  • Just double-checked on my test lab.

    My apologies, but "Move a Managed Backup Exec server" will not work in this case. This is used for moving a MMS server from one CASO to another CASO.

    In your case, the steps which I mentioned earlier will apply.

  • From the CASO server's UI, click on the Storage tab. right-click the MMS and choose Delete.

    Restart the BE services on the MMS server.