Forum Discussion

Johannes_FRA's avatar
12 years ago

Migration BE2010 R2 vers BE 2012


Je souhaite migrer mon système de sauvegarde BackUp Exec 2010 R2 vers BackupExec 2012.
J'ai la licence serveur de BE2012, des licences agents fort Windows/for Linux/ et Databases-Applications.

Je vais réaliser l'installation via les fichiers téléchargeables au préalable (pour gagner du temps de téléchargement avant, LiveUpdate le faisant pendant ma planification de tâche = hors production).

Néanmoins j'ai une question :
je vais mettre à jour mes agents for windows par exemple en push et donc les agents aussi vont migrer.
Dois-je prévoir un rédemarrage obligatoire du serveur (ici client) ou une simple demande de redémarrage ?

J'espère avoir été assez clair.

Je vous remercie de vos réponses futures et souhaite bonne année à la communauté Symantec.


Cordialement / Regards,



  • Hi,


    Check pkh's video below on how to do the is straight-forward, but be aware that BE 2012 is fundamentally different to BE 2010...

    Here are some TNs to also check out:

    For the RAWS agent upgrades, once you are sure that the media server has SP1a and any subsequent patches installed, push-install them to your remote servers. Chances are good you won't need server restarts, but if AOFO is installed, the server will require a restart.



  • Before you upgrade to BE 2012, do read my article below

    You need download the BE 2012 installation DVD. before you can upgrade.  You cannot upgrade using LiveUpdate.  You can download BE 2012 from  Click on BE in the trialware section.

    After you push out the BE 2012 remote agents, you definitely need to re-boot the remote server.  If you don't have time to re-boot them all at the same time, you can do them one-by-one.  BE 2012 can work with BE 2010 remote agents, but you would not get the benefits of the improvements in BE 2012.