Forum Discussion

Stumpr2's avatar
Level 6
19 years ago

Mike Adams statement on encryption for BackupExec available Q3/Q4 2006

Can anyone at Veritas speak about this published statement made by Mike Adams of symantec? "Symantec has encryption on its roadmap for Veritas Backup Exec for the second half of 2006"
  • Hello Bob,

    As you are aware, this forum primarily involves queries of Backup Exec Version, 10.0. Since the feature you have mentioned isnt available in the latest version 10d, we request you to log an enhancement request for the future release. Please use the following link to do so:

    Thanks and have a nice day!
  • Followup question.

    Does that mean that BackupExec 10 will never have any encryption because it can only be added to a newer version like maybe 11 ? And there is no way it could be included in a pack for 10? I am trying to understand Mr Adams' statement to mean that this can NOT happen with BackupExec 10.0....with any version?
  • Beta Version 11D features backup encryption. You could sign up for the beta, if the website hadn't been down for over 24 hours!
  • Where would we sign up for Beta? We've been discussing incorporating encryption into our backup scheme and had considered NetBackup. If it's possible to upgrade to 11d in a matter of months we may be able to wait.
  • Bob Stump wrote:

    > Does that mean that BackupExec 10 will never have any encryption because it can only be added to a newer version like maybe 11 ?

    You could bet on that. As it looks is V11 a major step in adding features. For relyability we may hope the best and fear the worst .-)

  • I hope going from Backup Exec 10d to 11 goes better than NetBackup 5.1 to 6.0
  • The beta signup site which was given in my invitation email is
    Unfortunately, while there is a DNS record for this, there doesn't appear to be any response from it, nor has there been for 2 days.
    I managed to find the site, which lets me sign up and get a login, but I can't actually login. Things are going smoothly at Symantec...