Moving Backup Exec 2015 to new server and conserve backup history
Hello eveyone,
Recently, i have have moved my Backup Exec 2015 to a new server with the same version of OS and Backup Exec.
I have follow Veritas link to move the catalogs, database, etc and eveything is OK.
I can open BE 2015 interface OK
I have created the same devices storage (D:, F:, etc) and i have copied the old content on these devices.
When i open BE interface and go to devices i can't show them.
So i have tried to add them but i can't and i can't do any job backup or restore based on the old backup content.
Some message error:
1- Impossible to delete selections list (When i run a new Backup Job)
2- A device with a same name already exist (When i try to configure storage and add all the devices).
Can you help me please to solve these problems.
Hello and thanks for all your response,
I found the problem and the solution.
All the error message have been solved by an Update of SBE2015.
After this i have formatted all the partition, added it as new storage devices.
After this, i have copied the old content of each devices and copied it in the right place by ovewiting the content (The default content).
when this step finished, i have edited each job setting by definting the right storage to the right job
and everything is OK now :)
Thank you again