Need advice on disk storage hardware
Hello everyone:
Just looking for advice on disk storage hardware for using BackupExec 2012. We have a HyperV virutalized Windows Server 2008 R2 running BackupExec 2012. We currently run deduplicated backups onto a local 2TB hard drive. We want to expand this by using something like a NAS deivce via iSCSI (like a Netgear ReadyNAS or a Drobo) but not really sure what the best way or method would be. Our weekend full backups amount to approximately 500GB but we want to retain this for 12 months (thus need to expand our storage). We have maxxed out the space available on our server so we can no longer add disks.
Second part of my question is how can we keep a backup copy of our disk based backups for redudancy purposes? I've read and heard of duplicaing backup jobs onto tape but our weekend window for backups is also maxxed out and runs into early Monday morning already.
We are a non-profit organization with limited resources and finances so the most cost efficient solution would be ideal.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Here is the link to the BE dedupe calculator, which should give an indication on the amount of disk space required for a backup retained for a year:
iSCSI works really well (used it myself on the sites I used to look after, and I also scope HP StorageWorks P2000i arrays now as a solutions architect as they work well too). iSCSI gets around a lot of authentication issues that you might get with CIFS.
Your other option is to duplicate to another array, but doing so if it is a normal B2D will rehydrate your data.
Obviously if you were able to get hold of another media server with similar disk storage presented to it, you could look at optimized dedupe where the data gets duplicated to another dedupe folder...that depends on your budget.