Forum Discussion

jpalen's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

need help to resolve this

need help to resolve this issue

Final error: 0xe0001402 - This server name is not in media server's authentication list. Enter the server's fully qualified domain name and logon account into the media server's authentication list. Server names in the authentication list are case-sensitive.

  • jpalen,

    Enter the server's fully qualified domain name and logon account into the media server's authentication list.

    Is the FQDN listed in the servers, or is it just the server name as in the example from the link above?  For instance, if your Oracle server name is OracleDB and your domain is mastersoftheuniverse.local, than the server listed should be \\OracleDB.mastersoftheuniverse.local

    Consequently, you will want your credentials to match for clarity.  So the username will be mastersoftheuniverse.local\Administrator

    This is my 2 cents and I hope it helps!  Of course, substitute your information in.

  • Check below:



  • I did already this but still it gives me an error.

    input archived log thread=1 sequence=21652 RECID=57602 STAMP=808323985
    channel ch0: starting piece 1 at 07-MAR-13
    released channel: ch0
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of backup plus archivelog command at 03/07/2013 17:40:22
    ORA-19506: failed to create sequential file, name="BE_3uo3un3c_1_1", parms=""
    ORA-27028: skgfqcre: sbtbackup returned error
    ORA-19511: Error received from media manager layer, error text:
       BEError(0xe0001402) This server name is not in media server's authentication list. Enter the server's fully qualified domain name and logon account into the media server's authentication list. Server names in the authentication list are case-sensitive.

  • jpalen,

    Enter the server's fully qualified domain name and logon account into the media server's authentication list.

    Is the FQDN listed in the servers, or is it just the server name as in the example from the link above?  For instance, if your Oracle server name is OracleDB and your domain is mastersoftheuniverse.local, than the server listed should be \\OracleDB.mastersoftheuniverse.local

    Consequently, you will want your credentials to match for clarity.  So the username will be mastersoftheuniverse.local\Administrator

    This is my 2 cents and I hope it helps!  Of course, substitute your information in.

  • Many thanks, I did this last two days and it works fine.