Forum Discussion

lorenzo_armando's avatar
10 years ago

not able to backup EMC VNXe3100

Hi All,

I have a BACKUP EXEC 12 on a old WS 2008 where I'm backuping without problem our EMC NAS VNXe3100 using NDMP.

Now I have got a new server WS12R2 where I installed BACKUP EXEC 15 to try if all works to make migration but I'm not able to backup our EMC NAS VNXe3100 using NDMP or also CIFS. My server is updated, my BCK EXEC 15 is updated and I also installed last firmware avalable for VNXE3100 (

From network I'm able to see all shared folder.

My error are:

Errore finale: 0xe000fefd - La connessione di rete tra il server Backup Exec e Agent for Windows Φ stata interrotta

(Translation: Network connection between Backup Exec Server and Agent for Windows was interrupted)

Errore finale: 0xe000fe28 - Impossibile stabilire una connessione di rete al server. Categoria errore finale: Errori di processo

(Translation: Enable make a network connection to server)

Errore finale: 0xe000130b - L'operazione Φ stata interrotta nel server NDMP. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere il registro NDMP.
(Translation: Operation was interrupted on NDMP server. For further informations, see NDMP registry)

Thanks a lot to everybody.



  • HI,

    I run health check from gui (see attached file) because from ssh it returned this error:

    nas_storage: command not found

    Hardware diagnostic on tape are ok, if I make a backup to a VM or another phisical file share server it works.


  • Try this KB first -

    Also run hardware diagnostics against the tape drive & tapes to rule out any storage issues.


  • PS: I don't write that the backup on storage didn't start, on tape started but after 500Mb stopped with error.


  • Hi VJware,

    I've made your 3 step and it seems more quickly to connect and to verify credential, but backup it doesn't till work.

    This is the error:

    Processo completato: venerdì 4 dicembre 2015 a 09:05:13
    Stato: Non riuscito --> FAILED
    Errore finale: 0xe0001309 - Il server NDMP ha restituito un errore di backup. --> NDMP SERVER HAS RETURNED A BACKUP ERROR
    Per ulteriori informazioni vedere il registro NDMP. --> FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE NDMP REGISTRY
    Categoria errore finale: Errori di risorsa --> RESOURSES ERROR

    NDMP Log Message: Medium error NDMP Log Message: Write failed on archive volume 1 NDMP Log Message: server_archive: emctar vol 1, 2 files, 0 bytes read, 276496384 bytes written
    NDMP Data Halted: Internal Error NDMP Log Message: Mover encountered internal socket error. NDMP Mover Halted: Internal Error

    ================  NDMP ENVIRONMENT  ================
    ===============  NDMP ENVIRONMENT END  ===============


    Thanks a lot.


  • Try couple of steps -

    1) Disable "Back up with integrated checkpoints (SnapSure)" option from the backup job settings.

    2) On the BE media server, navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\NDMP. Create DWORD value NDMPProcessRead timeout and set it to 7 decimal & restart the BE services.

    3) On the new BE server, ensure NDMP port 10000 is available for use.

    Rerun the job and check.