Forum Discussion

atos's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

"ODBC access error. Possible lost connection to database or unsuccessful access to catalog index in the database." + Hotfix 164220 error

After running Live update and installed 6 Update hotfix sucsessfully, and 1 unsuccsessfully i started to get the "ODBC access error .Possible lost connection to database or unsuccessful access to catalog index in the database." error.

(the error started on the night after the updates were installed so i presume its somehow connected).

Successfull updates:








Failed Update:




Does anyone have a cause and/or a solution for the ODBC access error message? (and does the error cause any dataloss, corruption and so on?)


Anyone else having problem installing Hotfix 164220?


(Running backup exec 2010 R3 on Windows Server 2008R2)






  • Against the Hotfix install problem

    Did your envionment have any orphan/beta updates installed on it from previous support cases with Symantec?

    Was the orginal Backup Exec 2010 R3 media available in the same path as used during the original install at the time that you ran LiveUpdate?

  • have you read the release documentation for Hotfix 159965

    As if you read it carefully you will see that we discuss an ODBC error which may well be the one you are experiencing.

    The full details of this ODBC error are then more fully documented in


  • Thanks for the response.


    Then i will wait for a hotfix or whatever for that.


    You dont have any ideas why i can't install hotfix 164220?

    "Update HOTFIX 164220 (X64) failed to install.  Review the Backup Exec installation log for more information."

    Im not sure how i get the Relevant log?





  • Hi Johan,


    DId you run this through LiveUpdate or manually? If you haven't tried to manually install it, do so and if you're running an AV on that server, stop that during the installation.



  • Against the Hotfix install problem

    Did your envionment have any orphan/beta updates installed on it from previous support cases with Symantec?

    Was the orginal Backup Exec 2010 R3 media available in the same path as used during the original install at the time that you ran LiveUpdate?

  • The problem was that i had deleted the R3 original media from the server, once i copied the media back and the ran the hotfix manually it worked.


    Thanks both for the solution!


    Best regards
