Forum Discussion

rcunha's avatar
Level 4
8 years ago

Opinion About a one year Job Retention


I need to configure a New Schedule in a Host, to retain some folders for 2 weeks and 1 year.

I configure like that, can you tell me if It is a good choise:

  • Preferably call me out next time...all I said was that the way it was set up to retain data for a year was fine. Also backed up with enough disk space to enable you to backup data for that long was preferable as restores are, indeed, faster.


  • Hi,

    That looks fine. If you have the disk space and if this meets auditing requirements, then there's nothing wrong with retaining your backups for longer.

    Just 1 question: For your monthly backup, are you happy to have 4 monthly backups per month, because that's what that setting shows? Just check that out...


    • rcunha's avatar
      Level 4

      I Upload the correct picture now.
      It is like 2 Full backups (2 Weeks) and Incrementals (1 Week) and a Full backup on day 20 (1 Year).
      What you think about it ? 

      • pkh's avatar

        Do remember that YOU, not other Forum users, are responsible for ensuring that adequate backups are keep.  Anybody can say that your retention scheme is fine, but if it proves to be inadequate then you are the one who is answerable to your company and not that person.