Oracle Backup Exec (2010) Agent Write Error
I am getting below error when trying to start the backup of Oracle database.
Oracle Database is 11g in stalled on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Backup Server is Backup Exec 2010 (SP 1) installed on Windows Server 2003 32 bit.
I pushed the agent without any problem but when I am trying to confiugre the agent the ORCL instance was not saving up in the Oracle tab,
So I started to uninstall andn reinstall the agent but in between it gaves me error that no permission to some of the Keys under HKLM-Software-Symantec.
Then I gave a full permission for my domain administrator account for the key and subkeys under the HKLM-Software-Symantec. Then I was successfully able to add the oracle instance. I also configured the backup job selecting the database and required log file. When I run a test-job it went successfully.
But when I start the job it gaves me the below error.
The Backup Exec Oracle Agent encountered a write error.. If the disk is write protected, database scripts for the job cannot be created. Make sure that the disk is not write-protected.
Please let me know any solution for this error. Is this anything realted to permission issue. Do I need to reinstall the agent again.
Is there any compatability issues with the software versions.
firstly run LiveUpdate to install the latest SP for BE 2010're not current on that. once done, run LiveUpdate again and update with any subsequent patches.
Then push-install these updates out to your remote servers. Refer to the TN below as well:
Try couple of things ~
1) Possibly credentials. Follow these steps:-
1. Open the Backup Job properties and select the Resource Credentials.
2. Select Oracle resource click on tab Change.4. The account being used will be highlighted automatically.
5. Make a note of the corresponding "User name" column.
6. Open Computer Manager on the Oracle server and navigate to "Local Users and Groups"
7. Add the user name to the local administrators group.
8. If the Oracle server is a Domain Controller, then add the User to the "Domain Admins" group using "Active Directory Users and Computers".2) If the above doesn't help, then check if there is a folder named "dbagents" under these paths or not:-- X:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs (64-bit Backup Exec Media server)
- X:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs (32-bit Backup Exec Media server)
- X:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS\Logs (64-bit Remote Agent)
- X:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS\Logs (32-bit Remote Agent)
If not, create a folder named dbagents, and rerun the backup