Forum Discussion

RaminNodehi's avatar
6 years ago

Problem in identifying large drive for backup


Recently i added a windows 2016 server for backing up by veritas. I had no problem with any other server before. But with this server the problem is that the veritas does not identify one drive of server! It recognize all drives (C,D,F,G) but not E drive, So i can't backup the E drive. Not any problems or any error in eventviewer. After some investigation i found that the size of drive is above 1tb(exactly 1.8tb). The windows disk management shows the drive correctly. So, what is the problem? Is there any limitation in identifying large server drives by veritas? How can i solve the problem?


5 Replies

    • RaminNodehi's avatar
      Level 2

      Thanks Maianne,

      No, It's not part of DFS. The wiered thing is that when i use other backup softwares such as veeam, i can backup the drive without any problem . As i said before the veritas detects all partitions on server except one partition(Drive E) that is larger than other partitions. The other partitions all are under 1tb. I have a guess: may be it is from the license? am i ture?

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6

        I'm wondering why you believe that this is a licensing issue... 

        What type of data is on this drive letter?
        What is the Filesystem type?

        And what type of licenses are you using on the BE Server? 
        Host/Agent-based licenses or one of the Capacity Editions?