Problem with VSS ASR Writer
Hi all,
I'm using Backup Exec 2012 fully patched on Windows 2008 R2 standard SP1
Very often I have a situation that many backup jobs failed for various reasons. The weird thing is that the very same jobs run perfectly for many days (with the same selections for the same remote servers) until I get to the point with massive failures.
After that, (because I know now what is the cause most of the times) I have to check the VSS writers status where I'm always getting the ASR writer in failed state or waiting for completion. This is a really frustrating situation because I can't be rely to the continuity of backup operations.
Finally, what is the reason that the ASR writer in getting into unstable status so often?
Is there any other workaround to bring it back to a stable status without a server restart?
Is it a Symantec or a Microsoft issue and is there any released to public patch that I can use?
Please help guys!
Honestly, it is not a solution to have to restart a server (Media, Exchange, etc) because every now an then a writer fails.
Many thx in advance
Hello Pablo010885 and the rest
Find below a Solution to the problem:
Just follow the steps described in:
PS. Please, post back here if you have any positive development applying the above solution