Forum Discussion

mietekszczesnia's avatar
10 years ago

Problems with recovery VM with BackupExec 2014

Hi, we have a problem with restoring a virtual machine (Hyper-V Windows Server 2012 R2) with deduplication. Restore works only on a copy of one month. Older copies can not be restored lack of choice, as in the picture.
When I made the verification, program showed no errors but can not select and restore. Please help.

Sorry for my English.







  • I take it you have noticed that date range filter of one month at the top of the screenshot you posted?


    Also if you have change that and stil don't see the older restores, have you set to truncate catalogs against teh Backup Exec Server general settings?

  • I take it you have noticed that date range filter of one month at the top of the screenshot you posted?


    Also if you have change that and stil don't see the older restores, have you set to truncate catalogs against teh Backup Exec Server general settings?