Forum Discussion

longneck's avatar
13 years ago

purging permanently deleted items from Exchange 2010 after backup

I am using BackupExec 2010 R3 and Exchange 2010. Full backups are taken weekly with a daily incremental.

When looking at the output of Get-MailboxStatistics, I have noticed that the value for TotalDeletedItemSize is only growing. I believe this value is not the Deleted Items folder in the mailbox, but items that have been permanently deleted (i.e., shift-del or items deleted/expired from the Deleted items folder).

I thought that when a Full backup was run that these deleted items would be purged. Am I wrong? Or is something broken?


  • Hi,


    Not that I am aware of. BE doesn't interact with Exchange in any way like that. It WOULD commit logs to Exchange and purge those, but nothing within BE itself.

    Certainly in the GRT backups I have done over the years I've never had this happen, or seen it as an option.


  • Hi,


    Not that I am aware of. BE doesn't interact with Exchange in any way like that. It WOULD commit logs to Exchange and purge those, but nothing within BE itself.

    Certainly in the GRT backups I have done over the years I've never had this happen, or seen it as an option.
