Forum Discussion

Ben_Lentz's avatar
Level 3
18 years ago

RALUS Interface Binding: What happened to force_address?

Greetings, board.
I am in the midst of a not-so painless upgrade from BUE 9.1 to 11d. Current issue I'm having is that the new Unix Agent doesn't appear to have a force_address (This is an option from the 9.1 Unix Agent) option, allowing the BUE daemon to bind to a specific IP Address on the system.

One of my Unix systems has a dozen interfaces, all but one firewalled off for BUE, so I need to be able to use a force_address kinda option to get this thing working properly. Otherwise, it appears the BUE Media Server tries each of the system's addresses in sequence, which the firewall and I really don't like.

I've searched the forum, technote site, and provided electronic documentation and can't find any config file reference for ralus.cfg, except for the one article about file exclusions.

beremote --help doesn't have anything for me, either.

The old version used to have all it's example options and documentation right in /etc/bkupexec/agent.cfg. That was nice.

I'm sure I'm not the first person to complain about this, am I?

Message Edited by Ben Lentz on 04-25-200712:14 PM

  • Ben,
    I wanted to let you know that I am trying to find the answer on this for you.
    As soon as I have it I will let you know.
  • Thanks. I would appreciate an answer.

    It seems that this issue has been mentioned on the forum, but against version 10. It doesn't appear anywhere in the Symantec Knowledge Base.
  • Ben,
    The function in Ralus doesn't exist.
    Recommendation is to add the server to the Media Server to the user defined by IP, this will force BE to use that interface.