Forum Discussion

tha's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

Remote Agent for Mac DL

Hi all users and techs.


I have been serching for a place where I can DL the BE Remote Agent for Mac.
Im sure I'll get it if I DL the full BE SBS, but I just need the agent.

Anyone here that can point me in the right direction?



  • I guess there is not seperate link for MAC agent download .You would need to download the ISO for backup exec and At the root of the ISO you will find a folder called "LINUX_UNIX_MAC" it contains the installables of Linux, Unix, MAC agent. Refer to the below link.

  • I guess there is not seperate link for MAC agent download .You would need to download the ISO for backup exec and At the root of the ISO you will find a folder called "LINUX_UNIX_MAC" it contains the installables of Linux, Unix, MAC agent. Refer to the below link.

  •'ll have to get the remote agent installation from the installation DVD unfortunately...

  • But when I look at the features for the BE 2010 it doesn't say anything about the Mac support.

    Same page just for BE 2010 SBS and it says:


  • High-powered Backup Exec remote Agents and Options extend data protection to Linux, Unix, Mac and Netware environments


    Do you know if it's a SBS feature or if it's in the BE 2010 version too?

  • ...always check the Software Compatibility list...this shows what sofware is supported.

    In your case, pg. 37 of the BE 2010 SCL shows Apple Mac OS X is supported, with 10.4 and 10.5 being supported by BE 2010 R1/R2/R3, and OSX 10.6 only supported on BE 2010 R3...

  • The capability to backup a Mac machine is built into BE.  The SBS edition of BE is just the way Symantec package some capabilities together.  To backup a Mac from your BE SBE server, you would need to buy a remote licence for Mac