Forum Discussion

Thea's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Remote Agent not detected on...

One of my server has this error.. I just upgraded from BEWS 11 build 7170 to Backup Exec 2010. Everything works fine except for this Server A..Installation of Remote Agent is direct upgrade from 11d to Backup Exec 2010..when it was 11D its computer name is SERVER 1 then it was changed to SERVER A then I installed Remote Agent..Is that the reason why I get this error? When I try to run a job manually. It was working fine but the automatic scheduled backup is not. Can someone help me with this.


  • Under Services right click on Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows System Properties an go on recovery tab. For first failure, second failure and subsequent failures change take no action to restart the service. try running a manual backup and scheduled backup then monitor the job or check job log if same error still occurs
  • You should check the selection list for the scheduled backup job.  It is probably selecting from SERVER 1.  If it is, just deselect SERVER 1 and select files from SERVER A.
  • SERVER 1 is not on the lists of Windows Systems already.
  • What is the error you get when you run your scheduled job?
  • Hello,

    Open the Selection list and View By Resource and Delete the OLD Server name.
  • Under Services right click on Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows System Properties an go on recovery tab. For first failure, second failure and subsequent failures change take no action to restart the service. try running a manual backup and scheduled backup then monitor the job or check job log if same error still occurs