Forum Discussion

Bruno_AMPHOUX's avatar
20 years ago

remote install of Remote Agent by command line (PUSHRAWS) fail


I have 2 W2003 servers on 2 different domains :
SRV 1:
BackupExec 10.0 rev 5484 evaluation version
domain controler
domain : DOM1

SRV 2:
domain controler
domain : DOM2

I want to install from SRV1 remote agent on SRV2.
As indicated in doc, I use the following command line (F: is my CDROM drive letter) :

noting is installed and when I look at C:\WINNT\bkupinst.log, I see "A required parameter is missing" at the end og the log file.

Can anyone help me ?
thanks Bruno
VERITAS Backup Exec (TM) 10.0 for Windows Servers Installation Log
Start time: 07-27-2005,14:34:44
07-27-2005,14:34:44 : StartRantPushSequence
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : Registering Dll: F:\WINNT\INSTALL\VxPush\becombinder.dll
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : Successful registration of F:\WINNT\INSTALL\VxPush\becombinder.dll
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : Executing StartRantPushSequence
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : Pulling user data from the MSI
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : MSI processing complete
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : Pulling user data from the command line
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : COMMAND LINE: Checking for NOINSTALL value
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : Setup Command Line = SETUP /PUSHRAWS: /USER:Administrateur /DOM:DOM2 /PASS:********** /SRV:SRV2 -S
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : /USER: = Administrateur
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : /DOM: = ADPACDG
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : /PASS: = ********
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : Command line processing complete
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : Rant Push Install set to run in silent mode
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : A required parameter is missing. Halting the push install.
07-27-2005,14:34:45 : SUCCESS: Installation has completed successfully.
  • Hi Bruno,

    Check the domain level trust relationship whether its there or not because you are installing it in the other domain and there must be trust relationship between both of the domains

    And check that you can you access resources like printer or share folders in DOM 2 by using Admin account of DOM 1from.

    Check you are using the Admin account of DOM 1 or DOM 2 for installing Remote Agent on the remote Domain Server because you need to use the DOM 2 Admin Account and Password for the same.
  • Hello,

    You may additionally try the silent install just to verify the results.

    How to do a manual / silent install of the Backup Exec 9.x and 10.0 Remote Agent for Windows Servers (RAWS) if the push install does not succeed

    Do revert with the results.

    Additional Information :
    For information on the recent VERITAS Backup Exec security vulnerabilities, including links to the downloads for the necessary hotfixes, please refer to the following document:
    Patch summary for Security Advisories VX05-001, VX05-002, VX05-003, VX05-005, VX05-006, VX05-007

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.
  • Hello,

    I come bck from long holidays...
    thank you for your 2 answers.

    1st answer : I have no trusted relationship between domains, but apparently this is not necessary (not in the manual and it works like this (cf 2nd answer).
    Yes I can access shared folders of SRV2 from SRV1.

    2nd answer :
    On SRV2, I have installed remote agent by following
    This works fine.

    This solution is working, but I would prefer to install RANT remotely from my 1st server (in order to reduce complexity of deployment on very numerous servers).

    So what do you mean by "do revert with the results" ?
    What about this error in the log "a required parameter is missing" : maybe the command line in the doc is not correct ?

    Thank you
    best regards
  • Hello,

    As you have mentioned here that you have successfully installed remote agent in silent mode,

    -- Is the backup exec for remote agent service is running?
    -- Is it running under local system account?
    -- Can you access the remote servers?

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.
  • hello,

    The article 265736 describes how to install :
    -locally- on a remote server (SRV2 in my example) a remote agent. Once you are physically logged on the server SRV2, it explains how to install the remote agent in oder to communicate with the support server SRV1.

    The command line "SETUP /PUSHRAWS ..." allows normally to make a -push- install on a remote server from a local support server. Once you are physically logged on the support server SRV1, it explains how to install the remote agent on SRV2.

    Do I undestand correctly the administrator's guide about PUSHRAWS command ?

    So, to sum up, I admit that article 265736 gives a solution that works, but this solution is not a -push installation- but rather a -local installation-.

    I would like to -push- the installation, does the SETUP /PUSHRAWS comman works or not ?

    thank you
  • Hello,

    Please refer to the following technote for push installation of remote agent:

    How to push install the Backup Exec 10.0 Remote Agent for Windows Servers

    Hope this help you.


    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.
  • hello

    Thank you for this article.

    I will try it and I will say to to you if this -interactive- works on my servers.

    But I want a -silent- install which is normally achieved with the setup /PUSHRAWS ... command. And as descrbed at the very begining og the thread it fails with an error of command line. If you have details about this command line, why I experience pb, I would be very grateful.

  • Hello,

    - Please update us if the above mentioned solution has worked for you.
    - Are ou bale to Push install RAWS from GUI?
    - Please note that -s silent install is not supported in maintenance mode.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.
  • Hello,

    I have tested the -GUI remote install- : it has failed due to a security problem. I now understand why the -command ligne remote install- failed.

    I have changed my configuration :
    SRV1 : DOM1
    SRV2 : DOM1 too

    now both GUI and command line push remote install works.

    As a conclusion :
    1. My final configuration works in a unique domain, so everything works fine
    2. The error message in the log during my 1st command line remote push install "invalid parameter" was meaning in fact that there was a pb of security : it was not obvious at all

    I thank you

    PS : umech was right, extra domain approbation were certainly need when working among different domains