Restore Fails with error e00084af
I am trying to do a restore of a number of files from a server which is no longer in service, as I moved them to my new file server. Though I have the tape with the data, I keep getting an immediate error e00084af: The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed.
I'm assuming the issue is that the server is no longer in service so somehow the authentication to acess the files on the tape is not working. I assume there must be some workaround?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks everyone for the responses.
@lmosla: These were just flat files. Nothing fancy. I am running BE2010R3. I'm not quite sure what you mean by: Did you try duplicating the data to disk and then doing the restore to the file server?
Iwas able to do a workaround by restoring to the local media server then just copying back to the file server. This would seem to indicate some sort of authentication issue with my file server. So I tested another restore of files whose source was the file server and whose target was the file server, and that completed successfully, so that would seem to indicate that there isn't a fundamental issue with authentication with the file server target. The issue seems to be when the source of the files to be restored no longer exists. BE can't handle it. At least not in this particular instance.