Restore NDMP Tape to Windows
I have Backup Exec 2010 R3 installed on Windows 2008 R2. This is our legacy tape backup solution before we went to a disk based system. I have hundreds of tapes and keep Backup Exec around for old restores. We used to have a NetApp with CIFS shares and backed them up to tape via NDMP backups. The NetApp has been replaced with a new Nimble SAN. I am trying to do a restore of files from the NetApp tapes. Since I don't have a NetApp anymore I am trying to restore to a Windows box. I get the error below. How can I restore NetApp NDMP tapes to a Windows system?
e0001315 - An invalid destination was specified for the redirected restore. NDMP backup sets can only be redirected to an NDMP server of the same brand.
You may want to investigate a NetApp trial/simulator/VM instance. That may well give you a viable target to restore to. YMMV, good luck with your restore.
Or make a plea to the NetApp user community for somebody to restore your data for you.
Either of these may or may not be a long term solution, depending upon a lot of variables.
FYI, it seems that many customers with a NetApp filer, have more than one, so they already have their NetApp filer disaster recovery tool available to them.