Forum Discussion

JB_Welna's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

Restoring foreign B2D media

How do I go about restoring selective files from foreign B2D media? I would assume I need to catalogue the foreign media, but I am not sure how to properly do so. I am using BE 2010R2 on both the original and target systems.


  • might, and you then have 1 of 2 choices:

    1. Rename the *.cfg files that already exist and do the above...

    2. Copy that data elsewhere and create the B2D

  • ...foreign media as in BE's foreign media, or another company's backup software media?

    Either way, inventory and then catalog the media, after creating a B2D folder within BE itself, containing the media.

    Once done, go to Job Setup and create a new Restore job. Alternatively, simply right-click the media in Devices, and choose the Restore option.

  • Foreign BE media.

    I create a B2D folder on the target system pointing to the foreign USB drive? Won't this overwrite the .cfg files already on that drive?

  • might, and you then have 1 of 2 choices:

    1. Rename the *.cfg files that already exist and do the above...

    2. Copy that data elsewhere and create the B2D

  • Furthermore if you run into problems during the catalog process uncheck "Use storage-media based catalogs" from Tools/Options/Catalogs and retry

  • OK, I like option 2 also. Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a whirl.

  • If you have to do this regularly then make sure the BKF files on one media server have a different naming convention than those on the other. For a one off DR situation the second media server should not have any BKF files existing so no issues. However If both media servers end up with BKF files with the same name (because they both run backups) then you will have problems.


    You will also have problems if youc opy newer versiosn of teh same bkf name as they get updates - as the BEDB content, catalogs content anmnd BKF file content are all part of a big relationalo database and a mismatch in any on of the 3 against the other 2 can cause problems. - which si why you shoudl only really be moving BKF files around for one off DR or initial seeeding purposes not for regular activity.