Forum Discussion

BL_BL_BL's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Running through a DR scenario for an Windows 2008 AD

Morning All,

  I've been trying to restore a Windows 2008 active driectory server within the lab using TECH86323 and NO LUCK.

  The first restore  (both filesystem and system state) portion seems fine.  At the end of the restoe I'm getting a E000FED7 error?

  I get down to the authoritative restore portion and create a new logon account in BackupExec but when testing the credentials, just fails.  (I've checked that the logon does work on the restored server)

  Any clues?

Thanks Bill


  • Got it..

    Event logs showed an "edb.log. Error -546" and Microsoft released:

    Installed it and ran the authoritative portion..  All good.

    DC repaired.. (old school way)


  • Have you tried to run the actual restore job and not just run the credentials test ?

    And is the test machine exactly the same as the original DC (in terms of hardware, name, services, roles installed etc, OS, patch level) ?


  • Yes, I get the typical Failed to logon message.

    Yes, the machine is the exact hardware, os, name.  Once the first restore portion in TECH86323 has been completed, I'm pretty confident the box is back to the original services, roles, patch level..


  • Just got past that hurtle. Had to add the DSRM account or (.\administrator) to "Log on as batch".  Now, the test credentials work and 2nd portion of the restore work flawlessly.

    I am still getting an NTDSUTIL error:

       Could not initialize the Jet Engine: Jet Warning 1

       Could not check if the domain controller is read-only..

    Any help would be appreciated?

  • Got it..

    Event logs showed an "edb.log. Error -546" and Microsoft released:

    Installed it and ran the authoritative portion..  All good.

    DC repaired.. (old school way)