Forum Discussion

leeweedon's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

Setting up direct access san storage Backup exec 2012 and Equallogic san

Does any one know, of have experience in setting up Backup Exec 2012 to connect directly to the Equallogic SAN Device.

We are wanting to use replicated/shared storage opton so backups are automatically available at both our backup exec servers over our san.



  • Is that SAN device the backup target device, or the location holding data you want to backup?


    EDIT: sorry just realized it is the backup storage as you talk about replicating data


    Please be aware of the potential isues relating to the relationships between Disk Stoarge data, Media Inventory (BEDB) and the catalogs when thinking about any setup that copies disk storage data without Backup Exec being directly involved ( )

  • Is that SAN device the backup target device, or the location holding data you want to backup?


    EDIT: sorry just realized it is the backup storage as you talk about replicating data


    Please be aware of the potential isues relating to the relationships between Disk Stoarge data, Media Inventory (BEDB) and the catalogs when thinking about any setup that copies disk storage data without Backup Exec being directly involved ( )

  • In short, as the Equallogic PS4000/5000/6000 doesn't support CIFS nor native replication we cannot achive what we want so it is back to the drawing board.



  • Have you looked into the offhost backup option (now part of the Enterprise license)? I use this to backup iSCSI LUNs directly from the media server to tape. The agent on the remote server does a SAN snapshot, hands the snapshot off to the media server which mounts it and backups all the data. It does all this without putting any noticeable load on the server.