Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image failure
On trying to create an SDR disk image (BE button > Configuration and Settings > Create Disaster Recovery Disk) the wizard tells me I have to manually install a couple of Microsoft software packages; the Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) and the Preinstallation Environment (WinPE).
Following the instructions on the wizard, I must download ADK 1809 as I'm using Server 2019 along with WinPE so I download and install these then run the wizard again. Part way through creating the disk image, an error appears:
Cannot mount the Windows PE image. You may have insufficient privileges for the staging location: C:\Users\RICHAR~1.SER\AppData\Local\Temp\SDRStaging. Try a different staging location by changing the value of the registry key 'Software\Symantec\Backup Exec for Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\IDR\Staging Path'
On looking in the registry, I find there is no Staging Path key, so I create one as per KB 100011310 and set the path to C:\BEsdrStaging, ensuring that the Backup Exec service account has NTFS Full Control applied.
I then run the SDR wizard again but encounter the same error with the new path.
I then run through KB 100044284 but sure enough I have followed these steps to the letter. I try a few other paths, all with the same result.
Can anyone help please?
Schoolboy error.
Backup Exec service account is part of the Backup Operators AD group but my admin account is not.
Was logged into the server with my admin account. Logging in with the service account allows me to run the SDR tool.