Simplified Disaster Recovery Disk
Can someone please just shed some light on the Simplified Disaster Recovery Disk? What exactly is it and how large will it be if I create one? Basically I have all my backups stored on an external exagrid (SAN based storage). Do I need this disk if the hardware itself dies and I need to restore my files? What advantage does the disk have over just getting my new hardware up, install the OS and then install BE2014 and restore my files that way? Does the disk allow you to restore the entire system state without having to reinstall the OS on failed hardware first? Thanks
Important Points:
You might want to create a customized SDR disk to check that you can add SAN HBA drivers to get to your Exagrid storage as in your situation it won't be much use if you can't get to your backup sets from inside SDR
Also are you deduplicating onto the Exagrid or standard DIsk Storage (B2D) as an SDR disk can restore remote systems where deduplication is involved (i.e. where the Backup Exec Server is up and running) but it cannot access Dedup to restore a Backup Exec Server.