Forum Discussion

vigneshwaran's avatar
11 years ago

SQL database backup through BE 12.5

Hi Team,

         Is it possible to take Microsoft SQL database backup from BE 12.5???

  • If you have Windows Server 2003 and higher then BE uses VSS...AOFO is not needed for databases as it causes issues during the backups. I have had a situation where i could not do a redirected SQL restore. Go underthe Articles secrion and filter for mine...i wrote an article about splitting your backups from each other. Use AOFO when backing up files and folders, and run another job without AOFO when backing up databases. You have the SQL should already knownthis means you do not have to take SQL offline!!!

9 Replies

  • Hi Vicky,



    1. Buy the SQL application agent for Backup Exec and you can backup from, and restore into, the database while it is live. No need to take SQL offline;

    2. If you don't buy the agent, you need to dump the SQL database to disk using SQL itself, and then backup the flat-file that was created.


  • Hi CraigV,

       Can you tell me about How to take SQL DB Backup from BE 12.5.


  • ...I wouldn't worry about the specific section that lmosla is pointing you too...I'd suggest you read the whole Admin Guide and also take a look at the software. BE 12.5 is easy to get to know. MUCH more easy that BE 2012 if you ever move onto it.

    Go through that guide, play around with the software and come to grips with it.


    1. Install SQL agent on media server, and then push-install RAWS agent to remote SQL server.

    2. Open a current selection list, or create a new one. Select SQL.

    3. Make sure AOFO is turned off when backing up SQL (or any database).

    4. Create a new job/edit an existing job and run the backup.


  • If AOFO is turned Off then we are unable to backup open databases correct?

        So we need to close all the data bases and then start the backup???

  • If you have Windows Server 2003 and higher then BE uses VSS...AOFO is not needed for databases as it causes issues during the backups. I have had a situation where i could not do a redirected SQL restore. Go underthe Articles secrion and filter for mine...i wrote an article about splitting your backups from each other. Use AOFO when backing up files and folders, and run another job without AOFO when backing up databases. You have the SQL should already knownthis means you do not have to take SQL offline!!!