Starting Services in Safe Mode/Directory Services Restore Mode
I am attempting to run a system state restore, so I am logged on to the server in directory services restore mode but I can not get the Backup Exec services to start. In the error log it traces as follows: the Backup Exec server service does not start because the Backup Exec Device & Media service failed to start. The Device & Media service does not start because the SQL server (BKUPEXEC) failed to start. The SQL server does not start because the Net Logon service failed to start (funny error message: failed to start because of the following error: The operation completed successfully.)
So it seems to be all tied to the Net Logon services which will not start, well, actually I tried to start it manually and it starts and then stops immediately. Here is the message I get when I try to start Net Logon:
The Net Logon service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do, for example, the Performance Logs and Alerts service.
Anybody know what to do here?
Never mind, I figured it out.
Had to change the SQL server (BKUPEXEC) service to log on as the Local System account and had to reboot after the change (for some reason it did not work just changing it and trying to start the service). Everything started automatically after the reboot.