Forum Discussion

drewdark's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

Sush,        I have


        I have performed the SQL downgrade on our Symantec Backup Exec Server and all looks to be successfull especially since after I moved the Backup Exec DB from SQL 2K5 Standard Edition to SQL 2K5 Express Edition. I run a number of test backup jobs against one of our Tape library partitions and all went well. This morning, I received an error from Backup Exec Services indicating Database Consistency issue with the message below:

Summary of database maintenance activity:

* Performed database consistency check for BEDB database

Maintenance has failed: 10, Dump database failed

I have manually run the Database consistency check against our backup Exec server and it completed successfully this morning. Can you advice on what else I should do to troubleshoot this error on my server?


  • If you see the error "Dump database failed" did you tried dumping the databse manually? You can try this using BEUtility .Right click server name and select dump database

  • I selected the server and Dump the database. The message I received is :


    Starting database utility operation.
    Dumping the contents of BEDB database to disk.
    Error: Database dump to disk failed.
    Database utility for server SERVERNAME ended with errors.

    Please advice ASAP on what to do next.




  • What version of Backup Exec are you running , are there two instances of the database in BE_DLO and BEDB ?  If yes is the dump database failing on BE_Dlo database.

    What is the size of the database ? i.e MDf and ldf files

    The limit for database size is 4 Gb .

    Check the SQL server(BACKUPEXEC) Service is running on some other account .Try switching to Local system acount and see if that helps .

    Try running a repair Database using beutility

  • Our Backup Exec Version is 11.0 Rev 7170. The old MSSQL instance already exists on this server and I installed the new instance SQLEXPRESS on the same server so Yes 2 instances exist.

    For the SQL 2005 Express instance (SQLExpress) there are 2 DBs (System Databases and BEDB) and on the original DB instance (MSSQLSERVER) there are 4 Databases (System Databases, Database Snapshots, config and datamine).

    The dump db error is failing on BEDB

    The sizes of the databases located in the Data folder are listed below:

    bedb_log.ldf           1024    KB   

    BE_DLO_log.LDF   768     KB  

    bedb_dat.mdf         92352  KB  

    BE_DLO.mdf          5504   KB

    I am again reviewing the backup exec service account used to run the services. Surprising I run a few test backup jobs against some of the partitions and they run fine without issues. Please advice

  • Did you tried running arepair database using Be utility ?

  • Yes I did run a repair of the DB after reading your forum and the results were fine but this morning I got the message again when  the database consistency check process run as indicated below:

    (Server: "************") (Job: "Database Maintenance") Summary of database maintenance activity:

     * Performed database consistency check for BEDB database

     Maintenance has failed: 10, Dump database failed Total elapsed time: 00:00:14