Forum Discussion

GeirT's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

Symantec Backup V-Ray edition



Have just purchased the license and dowmloaded the software. Not really shure what's the best practise in installing the product.

We have a Windows server 2012 HOST with 4 virtuall machines at the moment (will be about 15 soon).

Some questions:

- Where should we install the software? On the HOST.

- Can we backup to a network NAS (share)?

- We have a backup server (2008 std) which are running Symantec Bakup Exec 2012 for backup of data. Can we use the same server?

Any answere would be most appreciated.



Geir Tore

  • Hi,


    1. BE 2012 will not currently install on a server running Windows Server 2012. This is only supported from a RAWS-agent perspective. You would have to install this on a server running Windows Server 2008 R2. A Beta early next year is going to address this lack of support.

    2. BE would be able to backup to a NAS share. To be honest, if your NAS can do iSCSI, use it. It's going to rule out a number of issues such as authentication problems. Check the BE 2012 HCL to verify your NAS is supported.

    3. Yes...see #1. I would use this. It's simply a license that gets installed on the media server.


  • Hi,


    1. BE 2012 will not currently install on a server running Windows Server 2012. This is only supported from a RAWS-agent perspective. You would have to install this on a server running Windows Server 2008 R2. A Beta early next year is going to address this lack of support.

    2. BE would be able to backup to a NAS share. To be honest, if your NAS can do iSCSI, use it. It's going to rule out a number of issues such as authentication problems. Check the BE 2012 HCL to verify your NAS is supported.

    3. Yes...see #1. I would use this. It's simply a license that gets installed on the media server.


  • Hi again,

    Thanks for the quick response.

    So, if I understand this correctly, it's just importing the license fil into the already installed Backup Exec media server that is necessary to get this solutions working?

    Thanks again,

    Geir Tore